Grandparents are the cherished legacy-builders, storytellers, and tradition-keepers in a family. Their love and care form the bedrock of familial bonds. To honour them, Ideal Indian School, celebrated Grandparents Day recently. Ms. Shirley De Sales, the Headmistress of the KG Section, extended a warm welcome to the parents and emphasized the significant role that grandparents play in everyone’s lives. The little tots of kindergarten came up with a scintillating dance performance to welcome the gathering. The performances by students left the spectators spellbound and thoroughly mesmerized. Grandparents enthusiastically participated in various programs organized for the occasion, including singing and games like Musical Corner and Passing the Parcel. Every grandparent received a heartfelt greeting card prepared by the students. The grandparents appreciated IIS for fostering intergenerational connections through these events.